Web Hacking/XSS game

[XSS] XSS game level 5

ruming 2021. 2. 14. 22:55

level 5

Mission Description

Cross-site scripting isn't just about correctly escaping data. Sometimes, attackers can do bad things even without injecting new elements into the DOM.

Mission Objective

Inject a script to pop up an alert() in the context of the application.



sign up을 누르면 이렇게 나온다.


이메일을 입력하고 next를 누르면 몇 초 뒤에 처음 페이지로 돌아간다. url은 next=confirm으로 바뀌었다.



  1.  The title of this level is a hint.
  2.  It is useful look at the source of the signup frame and see how the URL parameter is used.
  3.  If you want to make clicking a link execute Javascript (without using the onclick handler), how can you do it?
  4.  If you're really stuck, take a look at this IETF draft

힌트도 보니 next=confirm 부분을 이용하는 것은 맞는 것 같다. 


코드를 보자.


<!doctype html>
    <!-- Internal game scripts/styles, mostly boring stuff -->
    <script src="/static/game-frame.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/game-frame-styles.css" />
  <body id="level5">
    <img src="/static/logos/level5.png" /><br><br>
    Thanks for signing up, you will be redirected soon...
      setTimeout(function() { window.location = '{{ next }}'; }, 5000);


<!doctype html>
    <!-- Internal game scripts/styles, mostly boring stuff -->
    <script src="/static/game-frame.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/game-frame-styles.css" />
  <body id="level5">
    <img src="/static/logos/level5.png" /><br><br>
    <!-- We're ignoring the email, but the poor user will never know! -->
    Enter email: <input id="reader-email" name="email" value="">
    <a href="{{ next }}">Next >></a>

링크 주소가 next변수의 값으로 전달된다. next 값을 조작해 공격하는 것 같다.

<!doctype html>
    <!-- Internal game scripts/styles, mostly boring stuff -->
    <script src="/static/game-frame.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/game-frame-styles.css" />
  <body id="level5">
    Welcome! Today we are announcing the much anticipated<br><br>
    <img src="/static/logos/level5.png" /><br><br>
    <a href="/level5/frame/signup?next=confirm">Sign up</a> 
    for an exclusive Beta.


자바스크립트를 이용하자.


next 변수의 값을 바꿈

저렇게 입력하고 next를 눌렀더니 공격에 성공했다.




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